Forecast Results

The CES recently performed scenarios of reduction of emissions in the case of France, for the French government, and Europe, for the industry group EPEE. Results are currently available for 6 scenarios:

1 - CRO European scenario for EU15 (2011, September)

Based on 2010 inventories, the CRO (Current Regulation Only) scenario evaluated the likely evolution of the refrigerant emissions in EU15 until 2030 if the current regulations were only applied. It used the knowledge regarding technologies and refrigerants known in 2011.

2 - CRO European scenario for the twelve most recently entered countries of EU27 ("EUnew") (2011, September)

Based on 2010 inventories, the CRO (Current Regulation Only) scenario also evaluated the likely evolution of the refrigerant emissions in the twelve acceding countries of Europe (EUnew), until 2030, if the current regulations were only applied.

3 - RGR European scenario EU15 (2011, September)

The RGR (Reduced GWP Refrigerants) scenario takes into account best available low-GWP refrigerants but also possible future refrigerant blends non-available yet, in the case of the EU15.

4 - RGR European scenario for EUnew (2011, September)

The RGR (Reduced GWP Refrigerants) scenario takes into account best available low-GWP refrigerants but also possible future refrigerant blends non-available yet, in the case of the twelve new accessing countries (EUnew).

The results may also be accessed for EU27 for both CRO and RGR scenarios.

5 - WEM Forecast scenario for France (2012, November)

The WEM (With Existing Measures) scenario shows the impact of the existing regulations (before 2011) on the refrigerant emissions until 2030 in France.

6 - Reference scenario for France (2012, November)

This reference scenario presents the evolution of emissions in France if the practices and the uses had not evolved since 2005.

The description of the scenarios will be soon detailed. The results in terms of emissions, CO2 emissions, banks, and demands are available for the 1990-2030 period.

Forecast Results - Mines Paris - PSL
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